Author Topic: More Variety with Watering Schedules  (Read 25459 times)


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More Variety with Watering Schedules
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:31:10 am »

Does anyone know of a straightforward way to implement a schedule that only waters every third day?

The existing schedule options allow you to water on odd or even days but this means watering will occur every second day and is what I am currently using.

If you select the days to water as being every third, there is obviously going to be a day where watering occurs two days in a row.

I don't use any third party services and am currently only using the options available on the "" website.

Any ideas would be great



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Re: More Variety with Watering Schedules
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 08:25:05 pm »
Hi Scott,
To my knowledge there isn't a way to run a cycle on every 3rd day.  The reason we didn't implement every N day on LawnCheck  because most people want to know which days of the week their sprinklers will run - especially in mowing season.

You can more closely estimate an every-third-day schedule using two programs:  set one program to run on a 3/4 schedule, for example Monday and Thursday, and then create another program to run once a week, for example on Saturday.  You can scale back the irrigation times on the Saturday programs as needed.  This will give you a 3/2/2 schedule

Hope this helps.