Author Topic: Setting up for Colorado..  (Read 14954 times)


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Setting up for Colorado..
« on: December 09, 2008, 10:06:06 pm »
Here's an interesting link from Colorado State University.  They use the term "seasonal setbacks" (called "seasonal scaling" within LawnCheck, same concept) to reduce irrigation during off peak irrigation months.  They provide average ET information as well as example monthly setbacks, using July as 100%.  The ET data that they have compiled is used to determine the monthly setbacks, this ensures landscapes get the amount of water they need to stay heathly.

For LawnCheck the monthly scaling you would use for Colorado would be:

Jan: off; Feb: off;  Mar: off;
April: 60%; May: 80%; June: 100%;
July: 100%; August: 80%; Sept: 60%
Oct: 40%; Nov: off; Dec: off.

Using the numbers that they provide, they show that seasonal setbacks can save about 25% compared to non-setback usage.   With LawnCheck you would be able to set your baseline July amount lower than you might otherwise if you decide to supplement with Hot irrigation cycles.  Here's the link:

They also mention the cycle and soak methodology to reduce or eliminate runoff.  They state that some clay soils can only absorb water at the rate of .25 inches per hour.  Any greater rate turns into runoff.  LawnCheck has a "Multi-Cycle" feature that makes it very easy to implement "cycle and soak."

LawnCheck makes it easy to use "seasonal setbacks" and "cycle and soak" methologies to reduce your irrigation usage, and to ensure the water you are applying irrigates where you want it to.

If you live in Colorado, or in a state with a similar climate you can use the setback settings presented here with LawnCheck to help you set up your Smart irrigation schedule.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 04:16:55 pm by Jim »