Community Forums, Moderated > Feature Requests
Adding a Notepad to keep details of each zone
If you ever get the chance, it'd be great to have a place to type in a more detailed description of what each zone is for. The label is fine, but a few more characters there would be nice.
On the "User Home" page you could have a notes section to put in the details of each zone. Or even better, in the Schedule view it looks like there's room to add a Notepad icon. I could click on the Notepad icon be able to view/edit the description.
For example my zone 2, I would keep these details:
"South side of the house, the "dryland area". Apartment Wildflowers. East side of the fence and Wildflowers on the North side of the fence".
Just some suggestions...
Hello Gangee,
It's a good idea and is possible. We've just implemented the sequential linking (which was quite complicated ordeal, though it now works) and will do a slight rebrand before thinking about additional features.
Thank you for the request.
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