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Connecting multiple EtherRain's


Hi Jim,

So I've got a network cable going out to my sprinkler room now.  One end of the network cable plugs into my switch, the other into the EtherRain device. 

I'll probably add a few more zones later this summer, so I'll need another EtherRain device.  So to connect two EtherRain devices in my sprinkler room, could I plug the network cable into a 4 port hub, then plug the EtherRain devices into the hub?  Or do I need to run a 2nd network cable out to the sprinkler room?


Hi Gangee,

Yes you can plug the Ethernet cable into  a 4 or 8 port switch located in your sprinkler room and then plug multiple EtherRain controllers into that switch. 


That's great Jim, thanks.


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