Author Topic: How do I make a weather dependent irrigation cycle? (PART 1)  (Read 18279 times)


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How do I make a weather dependent irrigation cycle? (PART 1)
« on: November 19, 2008, 10:58:27 am »
LawnCheck uses Yahoo Weather to provide local temperatures and daily forecasts.

The first step is to set up your account to use weather.  After you sign in to your account, click the Weather Setup Button, and then Click begin.

Enter in your local zip code, and check the "Activate Yahoo Weather" box.

Next you can enter temperatures that define your context for "Hot" and "Cool."   When you build your irrigation cycle, you will have the optional opportunity to use these temperature values to decide whether the cycle will be run or not.  The numbers you choose will depend on your local weather conditions, however for the US, good starting values are 90 for Hot and 60 for Cool   (assuming Fahrenheit).  You can modify these values whenever you wish.

(see Part 2 in next post on this board)

« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 11:12:14 am by Jim »