Author Topic: Weather Setup with Location  (Read 20461 times)


  • Lawncheck Apprentice
  • Posts: 2
Weather Setup with Location
« on: June 21, 2019, 03:18:42 am »
So I'm looking for some help with setting up weather.  I tried looking for my Yahoo! WOEID and that appears to now be deprecated.  The various sites that I visited to find my location returned nothing for any valid inputs.  I was using weather underground with a personal key because I have a weather station, but it looks like there are no more free api keys.  I've setup Dark Sky with my lat/long so we'll see how that works out.  After a quick search about api keys on weather underground, it looks like the new place to go is No point in giving wunderground/IBM your weather data if they won't return the favor.

Does Yahoo Weather still work?  How do I get my id?

Has IBM pretty much killed off the wunderground api access without payment?



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Re: Weather Setup with Location
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2019, 06:45:24 am »
Hello jaytayformn,
Thanks for your questions.
1.  WOEID -  Yahoo! Weather and WOEID  continue to work through LawnCheck.   Here's how to get a WOEID if you don't already have one:

Go to the Yahoo! Weather Page.  Once there, click "Change Location," and enter your city and state.  Select from the list provided.   

Your WOEID will be found at the end of the URL in your browser URL bar.  For example, for San Jose, CA, the URL will show:

and the WOEID is  2488042

Copy and paste only the WOEID portion of the URL into the WOEID field provided in the LawnCheck weather setup page.

2.  WeatherUnderground -  If you have a weather station and if you have an account to send data to WeatherUnderground through your personal weather station then you can request a PWS key from WeatherUnderground.  Enter this key in the field provided in LawnCheck weather setup to allow LawnCheck to retrieve weather for your account.

3.  We currently support DarkSky as it provides weather internationally and may look at others in the future if needed.

Hope this answers your question.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 10:36:21 am by Jim »