Author Topic: Can a run a Quick Cycle if there's a rain block?  (Read 18046 times)


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Can a run a Quick Cycle if there's a rain block?
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:03:51 pm »

My sprinkler guy was here today, I couldn't run any of my zones using Quick Cycle. I'm wondering if it was because there was a rain block? It was raining and rain was detected -- the Yellow light was on for both controllers. So in this case, is it not possible to do a Quick Cycle?

Everything else seemed to be fine. I could connect to both my controllers, both were showing IP addresses, both were in "Polling" mode.



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Re: Can a run a Quick Cycle if there's a rain block?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2011, 05:33:15 pm »
Hi Gangee,

The EtherRain controller automatically blocks irrigation when the rain signal is active.  We made that automatic to keep things as simple as possible.

For testing you can just pull the rain sensor connector from the controller and quick cycles should work.  The standard scheduled cycles will still check the Yahoo conditions, but quick cycle doesn't.
