Author Topic: Odd / Even irrigation...  (Read 19756 times)


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Odd / Even irrigation...
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:18:17 pm »
Many communities have implemented odd and even day lawn and garden irrigation ordinances.  If you are under such restrictions, or even if you are not, you can use LawnCheck to implement Odd and Even day irrigation.

LawnCheck's implementation of odd/even is set up more for compliance with ordinance rather than to promote odd/even scheduling (mainly because we don't believe odd/even is really effective in saving water, in the general case).  

You can restrict your irrigation schedule to activate only on odd numbered days of the month or even numbered days of the month by selecting checkboxes that appear at the bottom of the program definition page, look for a gray box titled "Ordinance Resctrictions."  Check the box that applies to you.

If you select "Odd day only" or "Even day only"  then all scheduled irrigation events occuring outside of the allowed days will be blocked.  So, you can schedule irrigation on any day but the ordinance restriction will block the event if it is outside the allowed day.

Note:  If you select "Odd days only" please note that if a month has a 31st day, then your system may activate on both the 31st and the next day, the 1st, if events are so scheduled.  This is the only time on the calendar where two "odd" days occur in a row.


« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 12:20:24 pm by Jim »