Community Forums, Moderated > Feature Requests

"chain" two devices together

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Hi Jim,

Has there been any progress on getting the chaining done for I see that you have completed the Android app and I am using it.



Hello Paul,

Yes, its July 10 2015 and "chaining" has been implemented.  You must have two or more controllers within your account.  Chaining is called Sequential Linking and has been tested for up to three controllers.  It should work for more than three if you have them, but over three hasn't been tested.   Multicycle has been tested to an extent.

Because this is relatively new you should check your logs.   Standard linking (ie, non-multicyle) has been tested for about 3 months now under various conditions.  It appears to work well with no overlap - each program in the "chain" starts about 1 to 3 minutes after the last program has completed.   Sequential linking works only for scheduled programs not for manual/quick cycles.

After you have linked programs together you will find that it is very easy to click through the chain using the links on the program summary screen starting with the starting program.

Here's the  help page for sequential linking.


Great! Thanks Jim. I will check it out.

I was able to setup the linking as described. I really like the approach you took to doing this. Nothing fancy and just a simple and effective implementation. Nice work and thanks again for continuing to enhance the product!



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